Monday, April 26, 2010

Planned Parenthood, Healthcare Reform, and the actual end-user

This video just came out today on Facebook's Planned Parenthood page. Or is it Planned Parenthood's Facebook page - who does it actually belong to?? Regardless, it's a great piece of propaganda/PSA, but let's see what effects it really has for those lives it promises to enhance. Obama seemed to have his heart in the right place as well as a thoughtful trajectory, but I think it's fairly well known that the amount of regulation, oversight and plans for implementation are flimsy at best. Honestly, I think it takes a woman to get all the details in place... Hilary, where did you go?

I have to give credit to Planned Parenthood's earlier Facebook campaigns on GYT (Getting Yourself Tested). Their almost daily reminders seemed to have a measurable impact as hundreds of people all over the world re-posted and replied to the status message indicating that they too, got tested. Being something I'm due for as well, one particular post offering online appointments set me into motion too.

I haven't had health insurance since I left the private sector back in February 2009 to go work with UNICEF. I had all my doctor's appointments done before I left but I was hoping to become employed and insured again soon after I returned from Africa, but frightening enough - that never happened. I applied online for Blue Cross my last month in Bangui, but I got denied and didn't have the means to pay for a long and confusing discussion about why. I don't have any health issues except back problems I developed sitting at a desk in an office for 4 years, 9 hours a day. I've seen it before. My own mother has gotten denied for health insurance too because of a "pre-existing condition".

Being almost 9 months late on my annual appointment, I too was compelled by the ads to at least visit a Planned Parenthood to try and obtain low cost women's health care. What I found on the website is that the online presence is established, but the ability to select or make appointments was not truly functional. I received an email 2 days later asking me to call the main center, but advising me that they were completely booked until next month. I can't believe there is ONE Planned Parenthood in all of Manhattan! I don't know how they handle the volume of a borough of millions!

The next day I called, was on hold for a reasonable 10 minutes, and made an appointment to see an entitlement counselor and a practitioner for approximately 3 weeks later. I can't wait to see how this appointment goes and how much it will cost considering the new healthcare bill and all that it touts. I'm glad Planned Parenthood bombarded me with reminders to take care of my own health and my own needs. All this time I was waiting for some company or some law to do it for me - what a mistake. I'll let you know what happens at my appointment! Considering my last ob/gyn was in Beverly Hills, I expect this experience to be nothing short of chaos. But I'm prepared, and thankful that we even have low-cost options to begin with in America - funded in one way or another by the might of someone who cared about someone other than themselves.